- All we have is now.
- Trust life to show you the way.
- The world becomes alive when we do not have a constant stream of thought.
- Stop thinking about tomorrow, and you will reduce the anxiety.
- Thinking is unnecessary and usually repetitive.
- Observe your own mind and be a witness to your thinking.
- Our thoughts are conditioned by our past, culture, and environment.
- There is a collective consciousness that influences the world.
- What does the greater purpose want from you?
- When you connect to something small you become small.
- You are GOD.
- Embrace your thoughts but do not believe them. Question them to see if they are true.
- Ego is form.
- Being is more than form.
- You are more than your body.
- Thought is only a small part of you.
- Make a decision for what is real and true for you.
- You are part of the human family whether you know it or not, whether you participate with them.
- Silence is a language.
- Enter the stillness to create an energy field.
- Thinking positively is not enough.
- Let go of the loyalty of pain and suffering.
- Attacking people creates fear in yourself and others.
- If you start it you can end it.
- Every thought you have is about yourself.
- Self-talk keeps us spinning.